HR Brain Trust, Inc.
In addition to our customized training, development, and HR services, HR Brain Trust offers the following training series.
Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying Prevention
California law requires all employers of 5 or more employees to provide 1 hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to nonsupervisory employees and 2 hours of prevention training to supervisors and managers within six months of hire or promotion and then again once every two years. Many other states have adapted similar requirements for training. Even if you are not doing business in California or one of the growing number of states which require Discriminatory Harassment Prevention Training, it is wise to provide it to your employees and managers. There are laws at both the state and federal levels prohibiting discrimination in the workplace and employees and managers are in a position not only to create exposure through their own actions, but also to be the best line of defense when the problems are being caused by other employees. Take time to make sure all your staff understand what your expectations are for proper workplace behavior.
Basic Employment Law
Discriminatory Harassment is only once aspect of the workplace where poorly trained managers may create exposure. We recommend that all managers be familiar with some basics of employment law. Issues such as rules regarding Meal and Rest Breaks and Employee Overtime and Timekeeping are ones your managers will deal with every day. If they don’t know the rules – they won’t know when those rules have been broken. That can mean headaches down the road.
Personality Assessment and Understanding Personal Interaction Style (4 hours)
This workshop guides participants through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory. The process will help participants see how seemingly random variation in behavior is actually due to consistent basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. This understanding can be applied and carried through the other courses in the series, used as a launchpad for individual or teach coaching sessions or both!
Performance Management
All managers should know how to effectively improve the performance of their team. If Performance Management is synonymous with “employee discipline” in your company, then it is time to seriously consider some training for your managers. Performance Management includes learning how to communicate, coach and mentor your employees. Done well, those discipline issues will be few and far between.
The best HR partner will be one who will work with you to determine the needs for your particular organization. In addition to the programs HRBT delivers regularly to clients, we also provide custom developed courses for clients with unique needs.
Building a Better Interview
Focus of this class is on helping managers develop skills to make better employment decisions regarding new hires and during the interview process for internal promotions. During this session, we will:
• Review Legal/Illegal Interview Questions.
• Common Mistakes Hiring Managers Make in Candidate Selection.
• How to Craft Effective Interview Questions.
• How to Segue Candidate Selection into Performance Management.
Essential Skills of Leadership
This course establishes a methodology for productive interactions between team members and team leaders by focusing on critical management skills. Managers learn how to deal with team members on a day-to-day basis to maintain and enhance their self-esteem, base discussions about performance and work habits on team member’s behaviors rather than on their personalities or attitudes, and involve team members in goal setting, solving problems, and making decisions. Specific course sections include:
• Important Legal Basics for Managers
• Essentials of Two Way Communication and Feedback
• Managing a Millennial Workforce
Unconscious Bias
We all posses a unique world view which is created as a result of a lifetime of experiences. Unfortunately, sometimes these deep-rooted ways of thinking creates Unconscious Biases. Talking about the ways unconscious biases can influence everyday work interactions is the first step in creating work environments that support and encourage true diversity.
Resolving Conflicts
This course helps managers develop skills to identify the source of team member conflicts. Using effective communication and management techniques, managers can help individuals understand another point of view and move beyond the conflict. Managers learn how to accept conflict as an inevitable part of all work solutions. They obtain the skills to lead team members to agree on the facts and a solution by distinguish between the two major sources of team member conflicts: personality clashes and work structure problems.
• Handling Complaints
• Having Difficult Conversations
• Effective Problem Solving Strategies
• What To Do If It Isn’t Getting Better
Are You Ready to Discover Your Company's True Potential?
Our offerings are scalable, flexible, and competitively priced to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes and structures. Our extensive experience and proprietary systems help us to start implementing solutions quickly, taking the pain out of your administrative process and improving the effectiveness of your human capital.
When we say we are "trusted advisors", we mean it. Striking a comfortable balance between compliance and ease of doing business, we are good at cutting through the red tape and creating a process that is most efficient for YOU. Before initiating any partnership or training, we conduct a thorough interview in advance to understand your needs, and the hot buttons that need to be focused on. To find out how your business can benefit from HR Brain Trust, schedule an informative consultation with us today!